Do i want a mac or a pc
Do i want a mac or a pc

do i want a mac or a pc

With any computer, the user should have some form of cyber-protection installed. However, questions remain over whether Macs need antivirus software. While Mac devices are not entirely immune from cyberattacks, they have historically been less vulnerable than Windows devices. Additionally, with the proliferation of cloud-based applications, there is less demand for device-specific software. Common software used within the working environment, and familiar to all, is Microsoft Office, which can be used on universal devices – whether you opt for Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, or a mix. However, there are plenty of popular applications that work on both Macs and PCs, such as Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop, and InDesign. When working with film, platforms such as Final Cut Pro are also popular. Many people use Mac devices when working in the creative sector, as they can support software such as Sketch. ApplicationsĪ large selling point for the argument as to why Macs are better is the applications available to them. This includes desktops, laptops, tablets, phones, Xbox One, and Hololens. Windows offers Connected Devices to share any web link, text, or file from any app to any other Windows 10 Anniversary device within your network. From the portal, workforces can set up device enrolment, and distribute books and custom apps from a central system.

do i want a mac or a pc

While this is usually thought of as a benefit for personal devices, Apple also offers its Business Manager portal to support IT administrators with connecting devices. Compatibility ConnectivityĪpple has successfully managed to enable its users to seamlessly connect their devices and applications. In this article, we will highlight the pros and cons of using Apple or Windows equipment. Depending on what you plan on using your device for, you may find one more beneficial than the other.

do i want a mac or a pc

When considering Macs vs PCs, both have their merits – but can often be utilized better for different tasks. Either way, selecting the right computer for your needs is crucial – especially if you’re buying in bulk. Maybe you’re launching a new business, or maybe you’re updating the equipment in your office. Mac and Windows both have many benefits, but which is best for small businesses?

Do i want a mac or a pc